FDOC Live Webinar: 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines: The 100% Juice Perspective
by Gail Rampersaud, MS, RDN
Please join the FDOC’s Scientific Research Department as they review the newly released 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Gail Rampersaud will review the process behind the Guidelines and outline its recommendations related to 100% fruit juice while highlighting opportunities to support the inclusion of 100% orange juice as part of a healthy diet.
Webinar / Zoom Instructions:
- Click the Zoom meeting link to join the webinar at the designated date and time: https://djhttps://djeholdings.zoom.us/j/92823556156?pwd=TXZCdUppK01Yd0M4UWNOanN3Q0hBdz09
- Click the “Open Zoom Meeting” button in the pop-up window
- Click the “Join with Computer Audio” button in the pop-up window
- You will then be placed into the live video presentation
Dial-In By Phone (only) Instructions:
- Call 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
- Alternative Call-in Numbers: Call 646 558 8656 US (New York) or find you local number:
- https://djeholdings.zoom.us/u/abaG0mbZrN
- Enter Meeting ID: 928 2355 6156
- Enter Password: 772410