Chairman Johnson: Advocating For More Than Just Citrus Research
In the Fight Against Citrus Greening, We Must Think Long Term The Florida Legislature’s Regular Session convened on March 4 and will continue as scheduled
Meeting Notice & Documents
Meeting Notice
Meeting Notice & Documents
Meeting Notice
Meeting Notice & Documents
The Florida Citrus Commission announces an emergency FCC telephonic meeting for Wednesday, December 5, 2018, at 10:30am. The call in number is 1-888-670-3525, enter conference code 2265370149# when prompted. The Florida Citrus Commission will meet to discuss 20ER18-01, emergency rule lowering the grapefruit minimum ratio of total soluble solids to anhydrous citric acid to 6 […]
Meeting Notice & Documents
Meeting Notice
Meeting Notice & Documents
Meeting Notice
Meeting Notice
Meeting Notice & Documents