Although we’re approaching five years since the anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, I think we could all agree that we remember it like it was yesterday. They were strange and very difficult times for a lot of people around the world. It was also around that time when the functional beverage category really began to take off for consumers. Close to home, it’s an interesting coincidence that in early January 2020 we launched our current tagline for Florida Orange Juice: The Original Wellness Drink.™
Was it divine providence that this slogan came into being when it did, or was it that we were just calling a spade a spade? To summarize the character Forrest Gump who asked a similar hypothetical question about destiny: I think, maybe it’s both.
You see, our Global Marketing Department spent the majority of 2019 developing a new approach to meet the shifting trends of the domestic consumer. Part of that development included a series of workshops where critical industry input was received and resulted in the current tagline we know and love for America’s favorite juice. This tagline captures— in just four words— Florida Orange Juice’s longstanding and beloved history as a delicious and nutritious beverage that is a beneficial part of a healthy diet.
Fast forward to today and the tagline is still exceedingly relevant. As I pointed out in my previous column, it’s helping us appeal to the growing consumer trend of love for the functional beverage category. In the last four years (also an interesting coincidence in its correlation to the timing of the COVID-19 pandemic), consumers are increasingly attracted to beverages that taste good and offer some kind of health benefit . . . something Florida Orange Juice has offered all along.
And, speaking of the present, here’s some breaking news for you: The latest commercials for Florida Orange Juice just began airing earlier this week across the nation. These commercials are airing on major streaming services, on the web, and across social media with algorithms in place to reach who we’ve strategically identified as the modern juice consumer. It’s time to remind American consumers that what they love about functional beverages is everything that Florida Orange Juice has been, as well as everything they’ll ever want in a drink that tastes great, has multiple health benefits, and is a complement to a daily hydration routine.
I know I’m preaching to the choir, so I’ll get off my pulpit now, but it’s important for all of us here at the Florida Department of Citrus to keep you informed. We’re hyper focused on driving demand for America’s favorite juice while the citrus industry focuses on reset and recovery.
One last important note: If you’re already a loyal fan of Florida Orange Juice, then you might not see these commercials “out in the wild,” as they say. As I mentioned previously, the algorithms and airing strategies we have in place are targeted strategically to reach their intended audience— the modern juice consumer. To see a preview of these commercials, make sure to join us at the next Florida Citrus Commission Meeting on March 26 at 9:00 a.m. EST.
Steve Johnson is Chairman of the Florida Citrus Commission, which oversees the Florida Department of Citrus. He is the owner and general manager of Johnson Harvesting, Inc., based in Wauchula, FL.