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FDOC Live Webinar

avril 16, 2020 @ 11:00 am

FDOC Live Webinar: FDOC Domestic OJ Marketing Program Overview – Driving OJ Sales through eCommerce by Jackie Hopkins, General Manager, Edelman, Inc – Atlanta

Jackie Hopkins with FDOC’s marketing agency partner Edelman/Edible will provide a live presentation on FDOC’s new marketing campaign using e-commerce as a way to drive OJ sales. The webinar will also include a demonstration on how e-commerce channels are used to engage with consumers. This is a similar presentation to the one provided at the Highlands County Citrus Growers annual meeting in March.

  • Webinar / Zoom Instructions:
      1. Click the Zoom meeting link to join the webinar at the designated date and time:
      2. Click the “Open Zoom Meeting” button in the pop-up window
      3. Click the “Join with Computer Audio” button in the pop-up window
      4. You will then be placed into the live video presentation.
  • Dial-In By Phone (only) Instructions:
      1. Call 877-853-5257 (US Toll-free)
      2. Alternative Call-In Numbers: Call 888-475-4499 (US Toll-free) or Find your local number:
      3. Enter Meeting ID: 608 286 744
      4. Enter Password (if prompted): 652974
      5. Download webinar presentation materials by clicking on the “Webinar Materials” link at the bottom of this page
  • Webinar Materials



Date :
avril 16, 2020
Heure :
11:00 am1:00 pm
