Florida Department of Citrus and Florida Citrus Mutual Head to Tallahassee February has been a month full of twists and turns, but the Florida Department
Processing Statistics Reporting Advisory Committee Meeting Zoom Instructions: Click the Zoom meeting link to join the webinar at the designated date and time: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/92680125601 Click the “Open Zoom Meeting” button in the pop-up window. Click the “Join with Computer Audio” button in the pop-up window. You will then be placed into the live video presentation. […]
Zoom Instructions: Click the Zoom meeting link to join the webinar at the designated date and time: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94717749937?pwd=bGpUT2YrRTNISkgxay9EajZ3WSthUT09https://ufl.zoom.us/j/9268012560https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94717749937?pwd=bGpUT2YrRTNISkgxay9EajZ3WSthUT091 Click the “Open Zoom Meeting” button in the pop-up window. Click the “Join with Computer Audio” button in the pop-up window. You will then be placed into the live video presentation. Dial-In By Phone (only) Instructions: Call […]
FDOC Live Webinar: Overview of the latest Neilson OJ Retail Sales Report (4-week period ending Sept. 26) & Processors' Statistics Reports by Dr. Marisa Zansler, FDOC Director of Economic and Market Research and Chief Economist for the Florida Citrus Commission Please join us for a live webinar where Dr. Marisa Zansler will provide an in-depth […]
Presented by Dr. Marisa Zansler, FDOC Director of Economic and Market Research and Chief Economist for the Florida Citrus Commission Dr. Marisa Zansler provides an in-depth overview of the final Nielsen OJ Retail Sales Report for the 2019-20 season through the four-week period ending September 26, 2020, as well as a walk-through of the newly […]
Presented by Kim McAndrews, SVP and Food & Beverage Strategic Planner, Edelman/Edible Each month, the FDOC and partner agency, Edible, dig deep into current consumer behaviors to gain insights on how messaging and programming could be adapted for the greatest success. This webinar focuses on Kim McAndrews discussion of where consumers are today, how they […]