TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam announced today a new partnership between the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and Nordic Total Produce that will feature “Fresh From Florida” grapefruit in 724 stores in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

“Florida’s famed citrus is the best in the world,” Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam said. “Expanding our reach to the rest of the United States and across the globe supports Florida’s economy.”

Florida international agricultural exports remain a vital component of the economic strength of the state, generating more than $4 billion in cash receipts and placing the state as the 8th largest agricultural exporter in the United States. More than 60 retailers in 27 countries that have partnered with “Fresh From Florida” in 4,700 stores across the globe.

Recent efforts by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to promote Florida agriculture include product sampling, store displays, advertising circulars and promotional outreach to consumers.

“We have been pleased to work with Florida marketers to strengthen awareness and sales interest for a variety of promotional support for Florida grapefruit. Our team looks forward to discussing future opportunities as this season comes to a close,” said Total Produce Nordic Chief Operating Officer Jakob Scanning.