FDOC Live Webinar: Communications in the Misinformation Era
The Misinformation Era has introduced new complexity into how we communicate with consumers. These new dynamics have significant implications for all industries and how the Florida Department of Citrus communicates within the food and beverage sector. Please join us for a live webinar on this topic featuring Edible’s Alex Armentano as well as special guest Teresa Thorne, Executive Director of the Alliance for Food and Farming. The session will explore what has changed, what hasn’t and what we as an industry can do about it. We will also give a behind the scenes look at how sharing science-based information with consumers can lead to better outcomes. Additionally, we’ll highlight how the FDOC puts this strategy into practice in order to protect the reputation of Florida Citrus.
Webinar / Zoom Instructions:
- Click the Zoom meeting link to join the webinar at the designated date and time: https://djeholdings.zoom.us/j/86440377325?pwd=bHpKa1BIWXJOamZOVWo2M0ZGVDZ3dz09
- Click the “Open Zoom Meeting” button in the pop-up window
- Click the “Join with Computer Audio” button in the pop-up window
- You will then be placed into the live video presentation
Dial-In By Phone (only) Instructions:
- Call (346) 248-7799 US (Houston)
- Alternative Call-in Number: Call (646) 558-8656 US (New York) or find you local number: https://djeholdings.zoom.us/u/krGOPtCxD
- Enter Meeting ID: 864 4037 7325
- Enter Password: 168068
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