Season ends on a high note for Florida Citrus

The July crop forecast increased Florida Orange production by 200,000 boxes BARTOW, Fla. –  Florida Orange production increased slightly while grapefruit production held steady in the last forecast of the […]

June crop forecast increases Florida Orange production

grapefruit faqs banner

Florida Grapefruit held steady BARTOW, Fla. – According to the latest forecast by the National Agricultural Statistics Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Florida Orange production increased slightly while […]

May crop forecast increases Florida Orange production

FDOC basket filled with oranges in a grove

The Florida Grapefruit crop dipped slightly. BARTOW, Fla. – According to the latest forecast by the National Agricultural Statistics Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Florida Orange production increased while […]

Florida Grapefruit production down in latest forecast

Florida Orange production held steady at 67 million boxes while Grapefruit decreased to 8.1 million boxes BARTOW, Fla. – Florida Orange production remained steady while Grapefruit production declined, according to the […]