January 13, 2022
11:00 am
12:00 pm
FDOC eCommerce Initiatives Drive Florida OJ Sales: A behind-the-scenes dive into how it all works
Within the last several years, particularly with the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, online grocery shopping and delivery services have seen a surge in popularity. The Florida Department of Citrus has been able to capitalize on this trend through a variety of eCommerce tactics. Please join us for a live webinar where Meredith Nelson, Senior VP of Performance Intelligence-DXI at Edelman, Inc, will give a behind-the-scenes look at these tactics and how it all works to optimize performance and drive sales of Florida OJ.
Webinar / Zoom Instructions:
- Click the Zoom meeting link to join the webinar at the designated date and time: https://djeholdings.zoom.us/j/89689345953?pwd=TzRIbFEzS2NFTVQ2Zyt3NFVieGxoUT09
- Click the “Open Zoom Meeting” button in the pop-up window
- Click the “Join with Computer Audio” button in the pop-up window
- You will then be placed into the live video presentation
Dial-In By Phone (only) Instructions:
- Call (346) 248-7799 US (Houston)
- Alternative Call-in Number: Call (646) 558-8656 US (New York) or find you local number: ttps://djeholdings.zoom.us/u/kbieYcQCrW
- Enter Meeting ID: 896 8934 5953
- Enter Password: 086613
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