One medium tangerine provides 4% of your daily value of Calcium.
What is Calcium?
Calcium is an electrolyte and the most abundant mineral in the body. Calcium is necessary for the healthy development of bones and teeth, and it participates in blood pressure regulation, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve signal transmission.
Benefits of Calcium
Calcium is primarily stored in bones. If we don’t get enough calcium from our diet, the body will take calcium from bones to ensure normal cell function. This can lead to weakened bones over time and may raise the risk of osteoporosis.
1,2 Calcium has been identified as a nutrient of concern in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans because most people do not consumer adequate amounts.
Foods High in Calcium
Milk and other dairy foods aren’t the only way to get your daily recommended intake of calcium. Some non-dairy options include calcium-fortified citrus juices, kale, soybeans, some varieties of tofu, canned sardines, and white beans.