Potassium in Florida Orange Juice
An 8-ounce glass of orange juice is a good source of potassium.
What is Potassium?
Potassium is a mineral that is part of every cell in your body. It is the major positively charged electrolyte inside of cells.
Why is Potassium Good for You?
Potassium has a wide range of roles in the body. Potassium is important for building muscle and maintaining growth, transmitting nerve signals, maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, breaking down and using carbohydrates, and supporting pH (acid-base) balance.
Potassium also plays role in cardiovascular, bone, and kidney health.
Many children and adults in the U.S. are not meeting potassium recommendations, and thus potassium is considered a nutrient of concern in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
6 Potassium intake is of special concern to persons with kidney disease and they should consult their doctor concerning the amount of potassium that should be consumed.
Sources of Potassium
Potassium is found in a wide variety of foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. Good sources of potassium include
100% Florida Orange Juice, beans, lentils, tomatoes, pork, fish, and potatoes.
An 8-ounce serving of 100% orange juice provides 10% of the recommended daily value for potassium.
By drinking a glass of Florida OJ daily, you provide your body with important nutrients, including potassium, that may help support your immune system and hydration during cold and flu season and all year long. Florida OJ even has the same amount of potassium as a medium banana!